Today’s IT landscape provides numerous cost-saving and productivity-enhancing capabilities, in addition to possessing built-in conveniences like having a wealth of information at our fingertips (or in our pocket), and being able to access your voice & data from virtually anywhere.

But unfortunately, this comes at a price. And a hefty one if we’re not careful…

Call it whatever you like, but the practice of staying safe online today is mostly referred to as cyber security. And one of the most important elements of participating in today’s digitally connected world is remaining protected and secure.

Of course there are many good reasons. But the first 3 that come to mind are for:

  1. our own personal protection
  2. our company’s
  3. and our clients

Aside from the obvious, including email scams with malicious links or attachments (aka Ransomware), unsolicited robo calls with a spoofed phone number, and phishing expeditions for our sensitive information, the weakest link, which turns out to be one of the easiest things we can control, is… you guessed it.


Beyond that, we have to place our trust and confidence in the hands of our service providers. And expect that their software, network architecture, and security policies are up to date to keep us safe.

One of our premier IDeACOM providers, Zultys, just announced the availability of Release 15 for their MX platform. Release 15 was designed to improve the experience for users and administrators. You can check out the announcement here.

Some of the more noteworthy enhancements in this new release include:

  1. Zultys Advanced Communicator (ZAC) 6.0 – this is something MXIE users will want to check out.
  2. Call center managers will appreciate some of the new advanced web-based features.
  3. Administrators and users will be able to easily block unsolicited call attempts.
  4. And overall system management and security have been enhanced.

Contact your IDeACOM representative for more details.

And before you go, take some time to update and strengthen your online passwords.

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