It’s a great time of year to get organized.
And Randy Dean is an expert (in my opinion) for helping us all manage ONE area of our lives that is relentlessly bombarded, whether we like it or not.
No, I’m not referring to your time or attention that advertisers and social media platforms are constantly trying to grab.
Then “What is it?” you ask.

Randy is the author of “Taming the E-mail Beast”, and he’s just released a free online course that walks you through many of his time-saving strategies and techniques.
This free course provides practical, tested, and game-changing productive insight that will help you move the needle way beyond how most of us manage our email, calendar, tasks, and contacts.
But don’t judge it by my endorsement. You have to see it for yourself.
I have to admit, I’m not a fan of e-books for a few reasons. But Randy has designed this course with informative videos to reinforce his material.
In the past I’ve shared some of his techniques for quickly creating calendar events, tasks, or contacts directly from an email.
In case you missed it, he covers it again… plus a whole lot more.
Question: Do you have any interest in minimizing Junk messages that bypass your spam filter? He’ll show you a quick and easy way to create rules.
Unsubscribe isn’t always the best way to deal with spam – especially when you’re unsure of the validity or integrity of the sender. So he’ll show you a few ways to overcome this without raising any red flags.
And his 3-minute email triage strategy can be very helpful by saving you a lot of wasted time. Any David Allen fans out there?
Imagine not having to review the same email 3 or 4 times (or more) because you’ve dealt with it the first time. That’s got my attention, but I haven’t mastered the skill yet 😖
Here’s another one – How often are you retyping the same response or repetitive text? He’ll show you a few ways to easily create templates that you can quickly insert or use whenever you need.
I’m not sure that I will ever reach the point of having a super-organized, empty Inbox, but regardless, his strategies and ideas are helping me immensely! And I hope the same for you.
So where do you find this free course that I mentioned?

Simply go to his e-learning academy using this link. If you’re cautious about clicking on links, here’s the URL:
Scroll down to Taming the E-mail Beast REBOOT e-Book, and click on the Purchase icon. Then click on Have a Coupon? and enter TimelyFree to get your copy at no cost.
By the way, I don’t know Randy personally and have no affiliation with his organization.
I simply appreciate the knowledge he shares and the results I obtain from his training. So I’m passing it on… 😁
Wishing you all the best in the coming year…
Cheers to a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2023! And a more productive one too!
Hey John! Randy Dean here! Your blog is working. At least one of your readers has taken your advice and downloaded my new free e-book using your instructions above. Thanks for the very kind words about my content. If any of you would like to learn more tips, you can also visit my YouTube channel at — I have added a couple new Outlook tip videos recently that you might find very useful. Thanks again for the good word John. Let me know in the future when you share a blog post about my material. Have a great 2023!
Thanks Randy! Your content has continued to help me over the years… and I hope my clients see the value when they check it out. All the best and continued success!