Feb 24, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
To say that technology is changing at a rapid pace is not only stating the obvious, but clearly an understatement. We’re being bombarded with an overload of information from all different directions and mediums. You’ve been reading and hearing about...
Dec 20, 2011 | Technology
Thank you for allowing us to serve you over the past year. We are grateful for the opportunity and sincerely appreciate your continued support. The entire team at IDeACOM Communications Group would like to wish you and your family a very happy holiday, and a healthy...
Nov 29, 2011 | Technology
Let’s face it – buying a new phone system is NOT easy. And while it shouldn’t be so daunting, the telecom industry where I’ve spent the past 25 years, unfortunately adds a level of complexity and frustration to the process instead of making it...
Aug 29, 2011 | Technology
Goodnight Irene – we hope that you and your families made it through the storm safely. If your company has been adversely affected by Hurricane Irene, please let us know and we’ll make it a priority to assist you in any we that we can. IDeACOM rocks was...
Jun 30, 2011 | Technology
So much has been written about the subject of “time management”. Time is one of our most precious resources and we’re going to focus on it this month. We’ve all learned time management “how to’s” over the years including how...
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