The Universal Service Fund

Last month I shed some light on the Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF), and how it increased on July 1, 2020. This month we will expand on the FCC and the Universal Service Fund as kind of a history lesson. But also with the goal of keeping you informed about your...

Need to Block Robocalls?

It’s unlikely that you’ve ever been Punk’d, but I’d be willing to bet you’ve been spoofed! Given the staggering statistics, I think we have all been on the receiving end of a random call from someone pretending to be someone else – evidenced by the awkward dialog or...

What’s Up With My Internet?

The past 3 months have been personally and professionally challenging for all of us. Our ability to survive and thrive during the Pandemic has been put to the test. Although it’s not over yet, it’s time to get back to business and some sense of normalcy. I think it’s...

Are You at Risk?

Many companies have been forced to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Being able to quickly shift gears has allowed these businesses to maintain daily operations (at least to some extent) thanks to the prevalence and cost-effectiveness of today’s VoIP, Data,...
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