Feb 25, 2015 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Until recently, if someone told you that your head was in the clouds, it carried a negative connotation. Like you weren’t paying attention. Or you were daydreaming, out of touch, and living in a fantasy world. Well I’m here to suggest that it’s no...
Jan 27, 2015 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
IDeACOM Communications Group is excited to announce a new program that we’re rolling out in 2015. It’s designed to give you firsthand experience with new Voice Over IP (VoIP) technology. And it’s on us! Let’s face it, we are all bombarded with...
Oct 23, 2014 | Technology
The Zultys award-winning Media Exchange Interface for End Users, better known as “MXIE” is an intuitive desktop software application that can integrate and manage all of your Company’s communications, and then some. To say MXIE provides a wealth of...
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