Jun 23, 2017 | IDeACOM, Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Ransomware attacks aren’t new, but they’re becoming more widespread and malicious. The fact that we are all so dependent on information makes us all targets. And unfortunately, there are some people who just don’t care how they earn a living. So they apply...
May 29, 2017 | IDeACOM, Technology
Last month we discussed how “the cloud” can help YOUR business. This month I want to talk about how “you” can help YOUR business. It’s going to get a bit personal though. And for good reason… Let me start with some questions: Do you feel that you’re working too...
Apr 25, 2017 | IDeACOM, Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Technology plays a vital role for each of us. Our personal and professional lives are impacted by it in so many ways. And there’s no shortage of new applications, or devices to access them. As an experienced provider of business phone systems powered by the Internet,...
Mar 24, 2017 | IDeACOM, Technology, Voice Over IP
Computer hacking is not new – but you already knew this. Perhaps you didn’t know that it’s getting worse; not better. Wait! Don’t move on yet ‘cause this is involves you… If you think your company is safe, protected, or immune from an attack, you are MISTAKEN. Every...
Feb 22, 2017 | IDeACOM, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Imagine this… The most impressive and functional VoIP phone system just got better (as if the Zultys MX250 wasn’t amazing enough). This latest addition to the most advanced, award-winning unified communication platform on the market was released last month as a...
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