Jul 30, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Picture this… your office move date is approaching quickly and Verizon is a “no-show”. How can you move without dial tone? Answer: YOU CAN’T! Unless you have IDeACOM on your team. This recently happened to one of our clients; well actually,...
Jun 27, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Telecommuting, tele-workers, work from home, and hoteling are all terms that are synonymous with working remotely. And although telecommuting is not new, new technologies are making it easier and more cost-effective for companies to deploy. An interesting fact that...
May 24, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Last month we discussed the importance of the telephone, and despite the momentous impact of social media, we focused on how the telephone still plays a vital role in organizations of all sizes. In addition, we looked at how new technology is allowing companies to...
Apr 30, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Social media is changing the way we communicate. Yet despite its rapid growth and popularity, the telephone is still one of the most important tools that businesses rely on every day. However, that role is changing. So we’re going to share a few ideas on how...
Mar 28, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
The telecommunications industry has witnessed a lot of turmoil and turnover during the past few years. More and more so-called “phone vendors” are entering (and exiting) the business. The old test was to look at the Yellow Pages from 5 or 10 years past,...
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