Dec 21, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
The IDeACOM Network is such a valuable resource in so many ways to so many organizations. And we are extremely fortunate at IDeACOM Communications Group to be part of this of world-class organization. It all starts with one of the most impressive nationwide dealer...
Nov 20, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
IDeACOM would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. As it so often happens, we tend to get caught up with the everyday demands that consume our time & resources, which sometimes causes us to overlook the reasons we have to be grateful. It’s...
Oct 28, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
So how do you stay informed about new phone system technology and the positive impact it can have on your organization? Can Voice Over IP (VoIP) help you reduce operating costs? How about productivity gains or the ability to provide improved support to your clients...
Sep 28, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
So last month we revisited the 3 main elements of voice over IP (VoIP) in an attempt to help you understand what VoIP actually is and to eliminate any confusion. We also made reference to the 4 types of phone systems available on the market today. That’s not to say...
Aug 28, 2012 | Technology, Telephone Systems, Unified Communications, Voice Over IP
Does technology confuse you? As a technology service provider, we are repeatedly faced with challenges that create opportunities for us to help our clients and successfully overcome the issue(s) at hand with either a simple change, or by adopting an effective...
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