The IDeACOM Blog

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Another One Bites the Dust!

We were recently contacted by a company whose Avaya system bit the dust. They were unable to make or receive calls, so it was a high priority. Spoiler Alert: We were dealing with a catastrophic situation – but luckily this story ends with a bright shiny silver lining...

Did you pass the test?

SMS texting restrictions for business continue to tighten. In fact, new regulations went into effect this month. What does this mean? Any company using SMS for business purposes is required to submit an application to the Campaign Registry. This process is intended to...

How to Enforce a Strict “No Cell Phone” Policy

How’s this for an understatement? Cell phone use is on the rise. Duh! And that’s not changing anytime soon. Whether it's using your phone for the basics like texting, browsing the Internet, checking social media, watching YouTube videos, catching up on the news,...

Feeling stuck with sluggish Internet?

Have you ever wondered if all Internet broadband solutions are created equal? It’s a very simple answer… There you have it – NO! Which is why I’d like to talk about the difference between “best-effort” cable Internet service – and a dedicated, “mission-critical"...

The Distributed Workforce

With remote teams of employees becoming much more commonplace, employers are tasked with effectively managing their distributed workforce. Many technologies exist to enable and control resources available to remote employees. Voice-over-Internet-Protocol, or VoIP,...

The “power” of a [POWER RESET]!

When it comes down to resolving (many) obscure IT issues, we can’t say it enough… and I know, sometimes we sound like a broken record. “Have you reset power?” … to your desk phone, cable modem, firewall, network switch, laptop (or desktop computer), cell phone, or...

Why are your Company calls being tagged as “Potential SPAM”?

Are your Company calls being tagged as “Potential SPAM”, “SPAM Risk”, or “Scam Likely”? If so, does it mean that you’ve been flagged as a spammer? Well possibly, but it’s complicated… so please hang with me as I attempt to explain what’s happening. It’s due to a...

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